Message-ID: <314@lzmi.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 21-Jan-85 13:34:03 EST
Article-I.D.: lzmi.314
Posted: Mon Jan 21 13:34:03 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 23-Jan-85 07:21:43 EST
Organization: AT&T-IS Enhanced Network Services
Lines: 27
Xref: watmath net.micro.mac:429
. . . . . . . . .
One of the last commercials in Superbowl XIX was Apple Computer's
annual weird Superbowl ad. The initial reaction of everyone who
wasn't expecting it was, "What the hell is *this* an ad for???"
It starts with a line of men and women, all wearing three piece suits,
trudging through dusty scrub to a depressingly played "Heigh ho,
heigh ho, it's off to work we go". They're marching blindfolded,
each with his or her right hand on the preceding fellow's right
shoulder, up along a trail . . . and over a cliff, one by one.
The last one in line stops as the guy in front of him suddenly isn't
there. He feels around in front of him, alarmed, as a voice-over
On January twenty-third, Apple will introduce the
Macintosh Office. You can look into it . . .
(The survivor lifts up a corner of his blindfold, looks down where
his predecessors went--)
. . . or you can continue with business as usual.
(--and looks behind him, to see *another* line of businessmen,
walking blindfolded, in a line up the trail. . . .)
-Paul S. R. Chisholm
...!hogpd!pegasus!lzmi!psc The above opinions are my own,
...!cbosg!lzmi!psc and do not necessarily represent
...!ucbvax!ihnp4!lznv!psc those of anyone else.