Message-ID: <506@ecsvax.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 16-Jan-85 15:16:36 EST
Article-I.D.: ecsvax.506
Posted: Wed Jan 16 15:16:36 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 19-Jan-85 00:37:02 EST
References: <237@cmu-cs-spice.ARPA>
Organization: NC Educational Computing Service
Lines: 15
It is my habit to print out all newsgroups to which we subscribe and to
circulate the listing to the staff of the organization. Therefore, I
am becoming very much annoyed by the practice of posting long "BinHex"
listings in the group net.micro.mac. They are TOTALLY meaningless and
waste a lot of paper. Then, if I cancel the printing, I must go back
and update the .newsrc by hand to show the articles which have been
read. Therefore, I beg of you, *PLEASE* send this BinHex stuff to some
other file, where those who are interested can access it and down-load
it, and preserve the newsgroup for legible comments; when you post a
binary file, simply place a short announcement in net.micro.mac!
T. W. Hildebrandt
Academic Computer Center