Message-ID: <755@loral.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 16-Jan-85 20:06:53 EST
Article-I.D.: loral.755
Posted: Wed Jan 16 20:06:53 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 19-Jan-85 00:44:44 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Huh, what, where am I?
Lines: 13
GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I've been messing around with this game from
Adventure International off and on for over a year now and haven't gotten
anywhere. I can get to the 2 rooms off the main room, got the lantern,
book, and card, but thats IT. Now what do I do? I went so far as to
take the command parser apart looking for valid commands but that
didn't help. Please help before I remove all the hair from the top
of my head.
Jim Harkins
Loral Instrumentation, San Diego
{ucbvax, ittvax!dcdwest, akgua, decvax, ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdccs6!loral!jlh