Message-ID: <70700028@trsvax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 13-Dec-84 13:10:00 EST
Article-I.D.: trsvax.70700028
Posted: Thu Dec 13 13:10:00 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 16-Dec-84 04:57:27 EST
References: <262@cybvax0.UUCP>
Lines: 14
Nf-ID: #R:cybvax0:-26200:trsvax:70700028:37777777600:523
Nf-From: trsvax!gm Dec 13 12:10:00 1984
If you are trying to transfer some files from a Xenix system to a VAX,
just format the floppy with diskutil, but use the "I" (IBM) format.
That's what we do if we have to transfer some data from a Model-16
to our 780 if we don't have uucp set up on that machine. The VAX and
TRS-Xenix will both read the IBM format.
I hope this helps.
(The normal disclaimers go here).
George Moore Tandy System Software
uucp: {laidbak, sco, microsoft, radley, allegra!convex!ctvax}!trsvax!gm
arpa: cu-arpa.trsvax!gm@Cornell.ARPA