Message-ID: <2670@ucla-cs.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 7-Dec-84 17:25:21 EST
Article-I.D.: ucla-cs.2670
Posted: Fri Dec 7 17:25:21 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 9-Dec-84 06:15:08 EST
References: <190@ncoast.UUCP> <2374@ucla-cs.ARPA> <243@desint.UUCP> <454@ncoast.UUCP>
Reply-To: vss7101%uclavm.bitnet@ucbvax (Michael Gersten)
Organization: UCLA Computer Science Department
Lines: 8
Xref: watmath net.micro:8861 net.micro.trs-80:235
Summary: Caterpillar good? 50% overhead
Caterpil/cmd is good? I took one look at it and never played it since
TRS-Xenix is slow on the model 16 because it has 50% overhead
This was determined by a cpu hog counting from 1 to 200000, and 'time a.out'
yeilding 50% utilization.
This was in system maintenence mode with no other processes running
(except for 0, 1, and my shell)