Message-ID: <378@mhuxt.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 27-Nov-84 19:46:03 EST
Article-I.D.: mhuxt.378
Posted: Tue Nov 27 19:46:03 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 28-Nov-84 04:28:10 EST
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill
Lines: 10
For the past few months many people have inquired about non-Apple memory
expansions. The folklore is that it shouldn't be impossible (if you want
to play with a 4 level pc board), but no one has offered any details.
This month's Dr. Dobb's Journal has a note indicating that they will tell
us how to do it in next month's issue (Jan 85).
wishing I had > 512k in my 512k Mac
Steve Crandall