Message-ID: <1272@hao.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 23-Nov-84 16:16:46 EST
Article-I.D.: hao.1272
Posted: Fri Nov 23 16:16:46 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 25-Nov-84 02:42:49 EST
References: <930@abnjh.UUCP>
Organization: High Altitude Obs./NCAR, Boulder CO
Lines: 20
> I was waiting for them to say it's
> faster but I don't see anything about it. I was waiting for them to say it
> utilizes space better (some of us don't have 512K yet!) but it doesn't say
> anything about that either.
I played a bit with the Beta version of MS-Basic 2.0. It was
almost half as fast as 1.1, and about as good at memory utilization.
It was enough to make me decide not to buy the upgrade until
I saw it run with my very own eyes (and stopwatch).
MacBasic looks like a better way to spend one's money.
"The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct."
Michael Ward, NCAR/SCD
UUCP: {hplabs,nbires,brl-bmd,seismo,menlo70,stcvax}!hao!ward
ARPA: hplabs!hao!sa!ward@Berkeley
BELL: 303-497-1252
USPS: POB 3000, Boulder, CO 80307