Message-ID: <305@cmu-cs-cad.ARPA>
Date: Sat, 23-Feb-85 20:40:49 EST
Article-I.D.: cmu-cs-c.305
Posted: Sat Feb 23 20:40:49 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 27-Feb-85 06:02:08 EST
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
Lines: 29
I am not a member of NESFA and have only attended one Boskone (the most
From: cmcl2!bnl!davison@seismo (Dan Davison)
>They were charging $22.00 at the door for => one day admission <= , the same
>as for the full event. I thought this was suspicious, especially since
>the people working the registration desk offered the stunningly lame excuse that
>"with these badges we can't tell one day people from all-weekend people".
You're right here; this is incredibly lame.
>What really stunned me was the reason NESFA was charging a uniform $22.00:
>greed. Yep, GREED. The *** are buying a clubhouse and are using fen from
>all over the northeast to generate money
>for their relatively private use.
Uh, Dan, what do you think groups that sponsor cons do with the profits?
Send all the fen who attended a rebate? No, they *keep* them and they use
them for their group. I'd expect that some of this year's profits are going
to next year's Boskone, too. Maybe groups should publish what they're going
to do with profits so you can find out before you register, but if you care
that much maybe you'll ask first. If you objected to the plans for the
money, you didn't have to go, but if you didn't do any research before paying
your money you have only yourself to blame.
UUCP: ...ucbvax!dual!lll-crg!dragon
ARPA: monica.cellio@cmu-cs-cad or dragon@lll-crg