Message-ID: <304@muddcs.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 15-Jan-85 21:35:32 EST
Article-I.D.: muddcs.304
Posted: Tue Jan 15 21:35:32 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 19-Jan-85 00:44:17 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Lines: 39
Just in case DC isn't sure who to kill off and who not to kill off
in crisis on infinite earths, I have a suggestion. Why not kill off the
entire dc universe? It would be great! You could have every hero and
villian band together in a vain attempt to stop the anniliator cloud.
We would get a chance to see the reactions of superheros who know
they are going to die, but can't do anything about it. DC could really
make this a fine series and really make secret wars look worse
than everyone already knows it to be. Also DC will then have cornered
the market on killing off characters. Other comic companies would be
wimpy and only kill off one or two characters every now and then.
Nobody will be able to top DC's killing job.
However, you might ask, how will DC bring all its characters (at
least its important ones) back to life. Will they say it was all a
dream? Will in turn out that the cloud really transported everyone
to earth 1000000000000000000001? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DC will simply say that they have killed off all their characters
and since they are all dead, DC is ceasing publication.
THis move will all those mediorce DC titles very valuable.
The death of such beloved characters as Batman and Superman might
even make the cover of TIME.
And, while everyone thinks DC is out of business, DC could be
secretly using its resources to hire some of the best talent around
and start creating a whole new line of DC comics. Every once in a while
DC could publish a Superman, Batman, etc graphic novel telling about
details of their lives before the aniliator cloud hit them in ways
the comics code did not allow them back when Superman et al were
just normal comics. Meanwhile, with its new line of comics,
DC could really say "The New DC, there's no stopping us now!"
Credit where it is due: I got this idea from the owner of a sci-fi and
comic book store whose store I visit. I thought this was an interesting
scenario so put in on the net. I'd appriciate hearing what others think
about this idea for the "New DC."
Robert Navarro
Harvey Mudd College