Message-ID: <1100@trwrba.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 12-Nov-84 10:48:01 EST
Article-I.D.: trwrba.1100
Posted: Mon Nov 12 10:48:01 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 15-Nov-84 03:49:57 EST
Organization: TRW EDS, Redondo Beach, CA
Lines: 11
Just for interest, here in LA, the episode, "The City on the Edge of Forever"
will air on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1984. I plan to watch it carefully. If there
is something that I notice strange, I will post it on the net. If there is
anything someone want me to watch for, send mail or post it on the net.
"Live Long and Prosper!"
Michael N. Washington
TRW E&DS Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278