Message-ID: <3964@cbscc.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 26-Oct-84 10:49:56 EST
Article-I.D.: cbscc.3964
Posted: Fri Oct 26 10:49:56 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 28-Oct-84 05:38:35 EST
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories , Columbus
Lines: 19
Another vote that the little girl was Pamelyn Ferdin. My sister and I
noted her name and voice when we used to watch the Peanuts specials.
Since then, we've seen her in a few other shows and/or commercials, the
former listing her name in the titles.
By the way, sis' name is Pamela (hence, our remembering such trivia due
to resemblance of names).
Also, seems to me that Lt.(?) Riley who sang "I'll take you home again,
Kathleen" was in a cowboy movie or two? Anybody know of this?
Lastly, why did the dudes who caged Capt. Hunter wear their rear-ends on
their heads? Plus, why did they pulse so? ...I'd hate to see 'em defecate.
Bottoms up!