Message-ID: <133@ssc-vax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 4-Oct-84 14:02:56 EDT
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.133
Posted: Thu Oct 4 14:02:56 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 6-Oct-84 05:35:20 EDT
Distribution: net
Organization: Boeing Aerospace Co., Seattle, WA
Lines: 34
What follows is a request for HELP!!!!!
I'm currently running programming for RUSTYCON 2, an sf con to be
held next Jan in Seattle, and I'm desperate for programming ideas.
Any suggestions for:
Panels, topics or speakers
Discussion Groups
Fannish Olympics events
Special events (ie.: trivia, scavenger hunts,etc)
Anything else you can come up with
would be greatly appreciated. You can send your suggestions to me
ssc-vax!marla UUCP
ssc-vax!marla@uw-beaverton ARPA
2459 S 216th apt 102 } US Snail
Des Moines, WA 98188 }
I'm looking for things that aren't done to death. Our GoH's are
Gordon Eklund (writer), Kevin Johnson (artist), and Steven Fahnestalk
(fan). We are a fannish oriented convention, with a little, (not
much) money available.
Thanks for any help,
Marla Baer-Peckham