Message-ID: <737@milo.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 24-Sep-84 15:24:56 EDT
Article-I.D.: milo.737
Posted: Mon Sep 24 15:24:56 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 28-Sep-84 05:39:11 EDT
Distribution: net
Organization: JHU/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD
Lines: 19
A question for those of you who attended Worldcon a few weeks ago:
Did anyone see the new English translation of the first three episodes
of Macross? I understand it was shown as part of the film or video
program. I saw an ad that the video tape is for sale and I wanted
to find out a few things before I decide whether to spring for it.
I am very familiar with the original series, I have about half of it
on tape in Japanese. The ad I saw looks like this version is an
actual translation instead of the hack job as done on other shows
recently for showing on American TV.
For those who have also seen the original - did the characters keep
the same names? Do battle scenes have large unexplained holes? Did
adult character relationships remain intact?
For anyone - Did you like it?
Mary Anne Espenshade