Message-ID: <223@mhuxi.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 1-Nov-84 13:49:47 EST
Article-I.D.: mhuxi.223
Posted: Thu Nov 1 13:49:47 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 2-Nov-84 06:19:09 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill
Lines: 15
I have been using PC/IX since May 1984, and the Santa
Cruz Operation's port of XENIX for about one month. My subjective
opinion is that XENIX is faster, easier to install and generally
'better'. I am interested in other people's opinions of those
products and any other version of UNIX (TM) for personal computers.
My goal is to obtain objective evaluations in addition to subjective.
I will summarize responses and post to net.micro.
Thanks in advance,
David Green
AT&T Bell Laboratories phone (201) 564-4468 {ihnp4}!mhuxi!dsg
NOTE: The opinions expressed above are my own and do not represent
those of AT&T and its subsidiaries. I would like to gather the information for
my personal use and interest in UNIX (TM) vis-a-vis micro/personal computers.