Message-ID: <13224@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 7-Sep-84 08:27:52 EDT
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.13224
Posted: Fri Sep 7 08:27:52 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 14-Sep-84 03:14:26 EDT
Lines: 13
The story read by Perry's aunt, with people making risky expeditions from
an alien base, and the hero's girlfriend getting stuck in a singularity,
is surely
Gateway : Fred Pohl
and the hero is Robinette Broadbent. There is also a sequel, "Beyond the
Blue Event Horizon", which I think is better than the first book, and soon
there will be a third novel. The aliens, by the way, are "Heechee", and
their strange artifacts first appear in "The Merchants of Venus", but I
don't think Pohl had worked out many details at that time.