Message-ID: <295@talcott.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 26-Feb-85 03:10:53 EST
Article-I.D.: talcott.295
Posted: Tue Feb 26 03:10:53 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 1-Mar-85 07:43:59 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Sociology Dept., Harvard Univ.
Lines: 26
Hello there. I'm a TRS-80 user from long, long ago (I'm still running
on a Model 1 with the original smooth-key keyboard and an Expansion
Interface with a buffered cable) and I used to make it a point to buy
the new games from Big Five as they came out because they were so well
done. However, I somehow or other didn't get around to buying the
last one in the series, "Weerd!". (Probably because I went off to
college and didn't bring the TRS with me.) And now no one sells it!
So what I'm asking is whether anyone out there would be willing to give
me a copy of "Weerd!". I really don't think this is piracy, because
Big Five seems to have vanished, and RS is controlling a bunch of
their games, but not Weerd...
P.S. I'm posting this article through a good friend of mine's account
because the only Vax I'm on is sadly isolated from readnews (although
I can send and receive netmail there). So if you respond to this
article, please mail to "samson%h-sc4@harvard.ARPA", and please don't
try to send a reply to this article's apparent origin. Thanks!
MicroWizard G. T. Samson (Ret.)
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
Steven Augart