Message-ID: <1685@cca.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 25-Feb-85 04:46:00 EST
Article-I.D.: cca.1685
Posted: Mon Feb 25 04:46:00 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 27-Feb-85 10:36:05 EST
Organization: Computer Corp. of America, Cambridge
Lines: 24
To those of you who responded to my query re: my printer problems:
Thanks for all your help! I finally solved the problem, and it was as
many of you suspected--it was a problem in the connection between the
computer and the printer. Upon close examination of the cable, I found that
one of the pins was missing from the computer-end of the cable.
Again, thanks to all of you for your helpful suggestions. I have tried
to answer you each individually, but as usual, the mail has been returned to
me undeliverable. There seems to be a bug in our system here that doesn't
like outgoing mail!!!
One final note: If any of you ever need cables (or any other Radio Shack
components), avoid the Radio Shack in Salem New Hampshire. The clerk there
told me that they had used that cable, and it had worked fine... Sure!!!
When I tried to return it, they were extremely snotty...
Network: decvax!cca!heiser
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