Message-ID: <1644@pur-phy.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 21-Feb-85 06:19:07 EST
Article-I.D.: pur-phy.1644
Posted: Thu Feb 21 06:19:07 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 24-Feb-85 02:44:16 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Purdue Univ. Physics Dept., IN
Lines: 11
Yes, I'm yet another MAX-80. I'm glad to hear there are others on
the net. This is one of the best Z80 based machines on the market.
I have one, my boss has one, and a friend has one. I hope to order
another one this summer. I just got my copy of LDOS 6.2 for it.
It seems complete. I won't get a chance to really test it out till
summer. I should be getting the FORTRAN compiler soon. RS claims to
be shipping it now. Of course if I run into any bugs with the new
software, I will let everyone know. Cheers.
Rich Piner
Purdue Physics Dept.