Message-ID: <250@unm-la.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 4-Feb-85 21:26:19 EST
Article-I.D.: unm-la.250
Posted: Mon Feb 4 21:26:19 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 9-Feb-85 08:44:28 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Univ. of New Mexico, Los Alamos
Lines: 18
Xref: watmath net.micro.6809:425 net.micro.trs-80:260 net.wanted:5734
I own a Color Computer and I run with the OS/9 operating system.
I have recently installed a 128K modification from DSL Computer
products, and have been able to use it successfully from Disk
Extended Basic.
What I am looking for is source code to make use of this 128K
modification from OS/9. I would be interested in either a device
driver/descriptor which would use this extra 64K as a ram disk or
source code patch to OS/9 which would allow it to use the entire
128K as online memory area (this is probably more difficult task).
Please send any information concerning source or where I can get
source to use this 128K from OS/9 on my Color Computer.
Thank you.
{{ Mike Mitchell @ UNM Los Alamos }}