Message-ID: <782@avsdS.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 19-Aug-84 02:20:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: avsdS.782
Posted: Sun Aug 19 02:20:00 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 16-Aug-84 01:25:36 EDT
Lines: 12
I propose that the next Star Trek Movie be subtitled 'The Search for Mudd'.
We all know what a fun character Harry Mudd was, and that James Kirk last left
him in the care of the Andromendan Androids in the episode 'I, Mudd'. Knowing
Harry Mudd, and his hate of his wife Stella, he must surely have escaped by
now to parts unknown. I believe the next movie should revolve around him.
Maybe he can steal Jim Kirk a new ship.
Well, it worked with Khan.
-deborah gronke bennett