Message-ID: <245@lzmi.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 21-Aug-84 23:27:25 EDT
Article-I.D.: lzmi.245
Posted: Tue Aug 21 23:27:25 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 23-Aug-84 01:16:29 EDT
References: <12564@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Lincroft, NJ
Lines: 7
"Suford Lewis: is he the same when he wakes up the next morning?"
If, one morning, she didn't wake up female, she sure wouldn't be
the same! (If I'm confusing SL with someone else, this joke is
going to be humorously obscure, but I think I'm right.)
-Paul S R Chisholm, AT&T-IS, {lznv,lzmi,lzwi}!psc