Message-ID: <12577@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 24-Aug-84 02:53:39 EDT
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.12577
Posted: Fri Aug 24 02:53:39 1984
Date-Received: Mon, 20-Aug-84 01:12:56 EDT
Lines: 27
From: Sam Lipson
Recently I have seen advertisements for Mitsubishi 5.25",
purportedly double sided 96 TPI drives for under $200.00. I have
a few questions:
1) Has anyone had any experience with these drives. Do they have
problems -- there must be a reason why they're so cheap.
2) Are they totally plug compatible with the Tandon TM-100-4 (which
my Zenith Z-90 uses).
3) What is the correct Mitsubishi model number for the double sided
96TPI drive (so I can verify what I order is what I think I'm ordering).
I'd also be glad to hear (impartial) recommendations for a particular
vendor to buy from.
Please respond to me, not the mailing list (I will honor summary
Sam Lipson
[ARPA] slipson@bbncd
[UUCP] {decvax,wjhl2,ihnp4,linus,wivax,ima}!bbncca!slipson