Originally posted by: gregory@noscvax.UUCP (Gregory L. Meckstroth)
Message-ID: <671@noscvax.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 3-Nov-84 10:36:22 EST
Article-I.D.: noscvax.671
Posted: Sat Nov 3 10:36:22 1984
Date-Received: Mon, 5-Nov-84 10:31:51 EST
Organization: Naval Ocean Systems Center
Lines: 10
I have been looking for an assembler for the c64 and would like to find
out more about MAE, MERLIN64 and MICOL Systems assembler before I pick
one. I read the article about the MAE assembler, that was on the net,
and it sounds like what I am looking for. But I have also read good things
about the MERLIN64 assembler and the add for MICOL sounds interesting.
What I would like to find out are the following, does the assembler work
on large file, does it have the define date statment like 8080 assemblers
and how easy is to to use. Thanks in advance.
Gregory L. Meckstroth