Message-ID: <12278@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 22-Sep-84 11:39:21 EDT
Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.12278
Posted: Sat Sep 22 11:39:21 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 26-Sep-84 06:18:04 EDT
Lines: 16
I think somebody got their rumors crossed...
What I think happened is that the color mac can either be grey, or color
and somebody probably thought this was the fat-mac...
Anyway, I seriously doubt that the fat-mac (512K mac) will be ANYTHING other
than a Macintosh with 512K instead of 128..
Besides, if you went to 8 levels of grey, the screen would take 63K instead
of 21, and if you went to 16 levels, it would take 84K (That is, if they
did the grey RIGHT!)
Keith Sproul