Message-ID: <684@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 28-Jun-84 09:22:14 EDT
Article-I.D.: aplvax.684
Posted: Thu Jun 28 09:22:14 1984
Date-Received: Mon, 2-Jul-84 00:14:31 EDT
Organization: JHU/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD
Lines: 16
Have I really read what I think I have in this newsgroup - a number
of people want the next Star Trek movie to be about a
Federation-Klingon war, with lots of space battles? As another
person asked "What has become of Star Trek fandom?" indeed.
The main important factor in Star Trek that has made it different from,
and better than, the other tv sf like Battlestar Galactica and
Buck Rogers and what distinguishes it from Star Wars, has been
not relying on space battles for every story and violence for
every solution.
Of course you may be right that Paramount will see
"copying Star Wars" as the most profitable way to go, but that is
not Star Trek's style and I will be very disappointed if they do it.
Mary Anne Espenshade