Message-ID: <1228@qubix.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 2-Jul-84 13:26:36 EDT
Article-I.D.: qubix.1228
Posted: Mon Jul 2 13:26:36 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 4-Jul-84 00:21:31 EDT
References: <8400063@uok.UUCP> <1004@hou5e.UUCP>
Organization: Qubix Graphic Systems, Saratoga, CA
Lines: 12
'Tappears that the entire crew of the starship is commissioned officers
- minimum rank of ensign. Where are the enlistees?
[Mayhaps ye need refreshing from "Mirror, Mirror": one of Chekov's
conspirators who later saved Kirk's life said,
"Chekov said he would make me a chief; I figured you [Kirk]
could make me an officer."
and a chief is NOT a commissioned officer!]
The Ice Floe of Larry Bickford
"When the English language gets in my way, I walk over it." - Billy Sunday