Message-ID: <2433@ihuxf.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 17-Oct-84 08:40:25 EDT
Article-I.D.: ihuxf.2433
Posted: Wed Oct 17 08:40:25 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 20-Oct-84 07:12:25 EDT
Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL
Lines: 22
I remember reading about a reset switch in one of the various c64
magazines earlier this year. It was in response to an article which
mentioned shorting pins 1 and 3 of the I/O connector to cause a cold
restart by grounding the reset line. This particular reset switch had a
diode, a couple resistors, and a cap or two. The guy that sent it in
said that just shorting the reset line to ground could damage the
computer. Questions:
1) Has anyone had trouble with just shorting these two pins? (outside
of shorting the wrong two together.)
2) Does anyone know what I am talking about? (Do I?)
I think I've found the article the guy responded to. It is in the Dec.
or Jan. Compute's Gazette in the Horizon 64 ( or 64 Horizon ) section.
I've looked through all of my other CGs and can't find the schematic
of the suped-up switch. Thanks.
Happy Hunting
Mike Nelson
AT&T Bell Labs