Message-ID: <820@ihuxx.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 14-Aug-84 14:07:44 EDT
Article-I.D.: ihuxx.820
Posted: Tue Aug 14 14:07:44 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 15-Aug-84 01:47:01 EDT
Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL
Lines: 15
Sorry to bring this up again, but...
I've received several requests for the 'cut' man page. Now,
the source I sent out was a 'shar' archive with both man page
(in nroff format) and source; either it's at the end of the
received file, and these people just haven't noticed it, or
some mailer somewhere got hungry. In any case, it's not long,
so I'm reposting just the man page to net.sources.
Incidentally, even though this is going out, if you *did* get the
'cut' source without the man page, please mail to me and let me
know just what the file looked like; I'm curious how it got munged.
Dave Ihnat