Message-ID: <365@aquila.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 26-Aug-84 04:12:28 EDT
Article-I.D.: aquila.365
Posted: Sun Aug 26 04:12:28 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 30-Aug-84 06:37:29 EDT
Organization: Natl. Optical Astronomy Observatories Tucson AZ USA
Lines: 41
I just read the new X-MEN (188), I like the J.R. JR. art
work. I've liked his layout ever since his Iron Man days, and I
feel that Dan Green inks him better than any steady Marvel inker
I've seen. (T. Austin not included as a steady Marvel inker.)
(This was probably discussed in length on net comics, but being
new to this net I didn't get to read the feed back.) I might get
replies to this in outrageous tones saying, "What about Bob
Layton?" Well, B. L. was the best steady Marvel inker to ink
J.R., but he had a tendency to cover up the pencil for his own
style. (There is a subtle difference between the best inker on a
penciler, and the best inker for a penciler.)
Now to the comic story line itself. (hurrah) It's nice to
see Nightcrawler get a spotlight. He never seemed to get any
attention except when Cockrum was penciling. Well now the old
demon gets lines and thoughts too!
Magneto appears too, along with Lee Forrester. It's about
time Claremont got back to Scott's old flame. I'll bet she
doesn't even know he's married. The muties seem to be more
closely involved with the X-Folk now. Perhaps the two comics can
be as interrelated as the two Bat-Man comics used to be.(? I've
been away from that comic a-while.)
As to the enigmatic jewelry... How incredible to find Kulan
Gath's amulet swallowed by a fish. I'd think perhaps an
Atlantion would be a much nobler individual to swallow such a
prize. `Course Kulan Gath would have had to find a temple far
beneath the sea, but as they say in the business (What business?)
What the hay?. It's good to have the N'Garai back after so long
a rest. (Since X-Persons 143)
On a different subject, the E. Q. 21 is supposed to be an
extended letter column. One can always hope for an epilogue, but
I'm not expecting it. According to a good source, Wendy is going
to give up on the drawing of elves for a while to get back into
the habit of drawing of human proportions. Any sequels will be
long in the coming, I fear. The Prequels are still being planned
as of last rumor.
Thats all (enough... AAAAGH) for now.
Bill Flanagan