Message-ID: <2011@mit-eddie.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 2-Jun-84 16:49:50 EDT
Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.2011
Posted: Sat Jun 2 16:49:50 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 5-Jun-84 08:25:03 EDT
References: <1533@uw-june>
Organization: MIT, Cambridge, MA
Lines: 18
Brian Matthews mentions:
I also have a question about the Klingons. They now have a cloaking
device, but I though only the Romulans had them. Also, when the
Klingon ship first appears, I thought someone said something about a
"Bird of Prey" although I may have been wrong. It's something to watch
I have heard that the Klingons and Romulans have some trade agreements.
If I remember correctly, in "The Enterprise Incident" (in which Spock
seduces the female Romulan commander), the Romulans were using a Klingon
battle cruiser.
I certainly would call this ship a "bird". Watch it land!
Barry Margolin
ARPA: barmar@MIT-Multics
UUCP: ..!genrad!mit-eddie!barmar