Message-ID: <240@foros1.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 13-Jul-84 03:54:40 EDT
Article-I.D.: foros1.240
Posted: Fri Jul 13 03:54:40 1984
Date-Received: Mon, 16-Jul-84 16:07:34 EDT
Distribution: na
Lines: 16
Hi. A while back, someone posted a description of the format
of dBASE-II data files; could someone please mail me a copy,
or point me to any information on it (magazine articles, etc)?
I'm interested in the .DBF and index (.NDX?) files.
I'm also curious whether dBASE-III uses the same file format;
does anybody know?
Thanks in advance, as they say. Please *mail* replies and I'll
post a followup in a week or so.
See ya!
JR (John Rogers)
also fortune!jr and proper!jr