Message-ID: <516@whuxle.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 9-Jul-84 20:44:42 EDT
Article-I.D.: whuxle.516
Posted: Mon Jul 9 20:44:42 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 10-Jul-84 07:18:21 EDT
Distribution: na
Organization: Bell Labs, Whippany
Lines: 16
I'm considering the purchase of one of the IBM compatibles, the Panasonic
Senior Partner, for my wife to use in her office for word processing, etc.
Although I wouldn't buy the machine for myself (the salesman says that full
length cards don't fit and you must buy expansion memory from Panasonic), it
seems well suited for her use. What makes the machine attractive is its price
and the amount of software bundled with it. So you know where I'm coming from,
this machine is $2k for 128K and 2 DSDD floppies which includes $1500 (list
price) of decent software. A similarly equipped PC is $2.5k (but no software).
I would like to hear from anyone who has had experience with this machine or
knows anything about it. I'd especially like to know how "compatable" it
really is and how reliable the hardware is. I'll summarize replys and will
post them to the net.
Thanks in advance.
Marsh Gosnell ihnp4!whuxlb!mkg