Message-ID: <935@teddy.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 27-Nov-84 10:52:41 EST
Article-I.D.: teddy.935
Posted: Tue Nov 27 10:52:41 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 28-Nov-84 07:51:04 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass.
Lines: 19
If you ever accidently "eject" the ram disk it can be re-inserted with
a simple utility. To make the utility:
- Copy "ramstart" to "RAM insert" (or whatever name you wish)
- Using the resource mover, cut out the resource "DRVR" including
"ID=10 .ramdisk" from "RAM insert". This will leave only the
"INIT" and "CODE" resources.
- That's it!
To "re-insert" a RAM disk, just insert a floppy containing "RAM insert" (and
a bootable system) and run "RAM insert".
Mark Harley ...decvax!genrad!teddy!mwh USENET
GenRad Inc.
300 Baker Ave
Concord, Mass. 01742
(617) 369-4400 x2928