Message-ID: <930@abnjh.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 20-Nov-84 14:00:17 EST
Article-I.D.: abnjh.930
Posted: Tue Nov 20 14:00:17 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 21-Nov-84 01:40:30 EST
Organization: AT&T Information Systems
Lines: 31
[Just when you thought it was safe- comes BASIC 2.0]
I received my notification today from MICROSOFT about the new version of
BASIC for the Mac. Release 2.0 is available now (really?) for $150 but
Microsoft is letting upgrade for just $57 ($50 for BASIC + $7 shipping).
I have seen the ads and product announcements about BASIC 2.0 but I haven't
heard anyone say if it is worth it. Microsoft included a list of added
features and they sound really good. I was waiting for them to say it's
faster but I don't see anything about it. I was waiting for them to say it
utilizes space better (some of us don't have 512K yet!) but it doesn't say
anything about that either.
Anyone got any information about this new release? Anyone planning on
getting it?
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Scott Allen
Orlando, Florida