Message-ID: <326@aluxe.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 28-Aug-84 22:34:39 EDT
Article-I.D.: aluxe.326
Posted: Tue Aug 28 22:34:39 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 29-Aug-84 05:35:47 EDT
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Allentown, PA
Lines: 24
I have just successfully compiled and downloaded Calendar, by
Mike Schuster at CALTECH. A very useful program!!
I have posted the tohex'ed source (calendar.dl) for the benefit of those who
who don't have access to a 4.2 machine running SUMacC. The source
can be found in net.sources.
To install the Desk Accessory..
fromhex < calendar.dl > calendar.rsrc
macput -r calendar
launch calendar, take a look at the Desk Accessory with the apple menu,
if you want it in that system disk, (I'm sure you will), pull
down INSTALL. Thats it.
Lonnie Abelbeck
AT&T Bell Laboratories