Message-ID: <987@drutx.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 27-Aug-84 09:42:42 EDT
Article-I.D.: drutx.987
Posted: Mon Aug 27 09:42:42 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 28-Aug-84 00:37:43 EDT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Denver
Lines: 15
I have just upgraded my computer system and I find that I
don't need two printers. This printer has been excellently
maintained and has performed flawlessly for me in the past.
The device is an Epson MX-80 with graphtrax (this enables
bit-mapped graphics). It has been modified for continuous
service by the addition of a cooling fan (cools the logic
board and he print head).
And, the best part about it is the price: $190.00.
Mark Zirinksy
(303) 538-1063
(303) 278-0463