Message-ID: <999@drutx.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 27-Aug-84 17:52:23 EDT
Article-I.D.: drutx.999
Posted: Mon Aug 27 17:52:23 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 28-Aug-84 00:32:01 EDT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Denver
Lines: 29
I am looking for peripherals for an Apple II+/IIe system
(I will consider a complete system, depending).
Specifically, I am looking for a daisywheel printer, an Epson
LQ1500, and an Epson RX-80 or FX-80
Also very interested in graphics capabilities. Specifically,
graphics boards, graphics software (legal only), digitizers
and display boards, also digiting and graphics tablets.
I need to acquire a mouse, for the game I/O post, if such a
thing exists.
I am also interested in a voice synthesizer, and analog/
digital boards. A robotics controller card would be useful.
I will but these items inside of (14) fourteen days, new or
used. Either leave me e-mail if you have something available,
(please quote me a price) or give me a call,
Mark Zirinsky
(303) 538- 1063
(303) 278- 0463