Message-ID:: <660@dual.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 9-Jul-84 15:36:20 EDT
Article-I.D.: dual.660
Posted: Mon Jul 9 15:36:20 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 10-Jul-84 07:13:08 EDT
Distribution: net
Organization: Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA
Lines: 17
I said that Interactive (or whoever) was required to restrict the number
of users to the number specified in the license.
Someone suggested that this could be done by legal, rather than physical
means (i.e., put it in the license instead of into the software).
This came up in a conversation I had with AT&T last friday: they inform
me that the restricition on the number of users MUST BE PROVIDED IN THE
SOFTWARE BY THE VENDOR. It is fine to write restrictions into the license,
but that is not sufficient for AT&T - they require the system to physically
impose the restriction.
As to the advice to read the license carefully - this is ALWAYS a good idea.
Mats Wichmann
Dual Systems Corp.