Message-ID: <139@ssc-vax.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 9-May-84 12:24:31 EDT
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.139
Posted: Wed May 9 12:24:31 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 20-May-84 00:09:32 EDT
Organization: Boeing Aerospace, Seattle
Lines: 64
I am posting the following at a request from Dale Amon of the L5
society. It was origionally posted on the ARPA space-BB.
Replies may be made through me at ssc-vax!marla or directly to Dale
This afternoon at 1:45 a press conference was held by Congressman Greene,
who is on the House Appropriations Committee. He recently did an informal
survey of universities and claims he could find no scientists supporting a
manned space station. He would like to see a strictly robotic station.
A number of us at L5 have been working around the clock to generate an
organization to be called 'Scientists for a Manned Space Station' or
something along those lines. It will essentially be a list of names.
Our retaliation has two parts. A member of the White House Science Office
is at the above mentioned conference, and will proceed to name some
important scientists who back a manned station. This neutralizes the initial
press coverage. About a week from now, Dr. Sheffield or Dr. Jastrow will
hold a press conference to expand on the stand that many scientists ARE for
a manned space station.
I would like you to collect the following information from as many
individuals who are working scientists as you can find:
1) Name
2) Title: Mgr of whatzits
3) affiliation: Univ of North Podunk
4) phone number
5) address
The more names and the more influential the names, the better. But be
selective. We do not want to warn our opposition!
Get friends to ask their friends, and so forth. Collect as many names as
quickly as you can!
These individuals will have to do nothing more than agree that the space
station should be a reasonable mix of robotics and humans.
If you have a really big name, contact Joe Hopkins in Seattle,
206-773-7984 (Gordon Woodcock's office)
206-821-3303 (home)
and tell him I referred you.
Pass this message along to interested friends so they can widen this to
include their friends as well.
For our purposes, a scientist is anyone making their living primarily from
research, regardless of whether they are a Phd.
Ad Astra,
Dale Amon
Marla S. Baer