Message-ID: <1899@mit-eddie.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 21-May-84 03:24:20 EDT
Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.1899
Posted: Mon May 21 03:24:20 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 22-May-84 01:00:40 EDT
Organization: MIT Lusers and Hosers Inc., Cambridge, Ma.
Lines: 19
After thinking about it awhile (and getting flamed at), I have
reconsidered and now say yes, Spock is a good example of an alien
portrayed as such in SF. The thing that really makes him an alien,
though, is the externals (ears, green blood, etc.). Otherwise, he's not
so different than what I'd imagine some Hindu or Buddhist scholars would
be. Problem is, in SF we have tended to take human ideas and give them
to our aliens -- I guess you could say we've humanized our aliens a
little too much. I'd personally like to see some SF that introduced
aliens who are not so human-like.
Be ye moby,
for I am moby.
Greg Skinner (White Gold Wielder)
{decvax!genrad, eagle!mit-vax, whuxle, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gds
And he who wields white wild magic gold is a paradox ...