Message-ID: <89@vectron.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 14-Nov-84 04:59:50 EST
Article-I.D.: vectron.89
Posted: Wed Nov 14 04:59:50 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 16-Nov-84 01:53:03 EST
Organization: Vectronic's Computing, Berkeley, Ca.
Lines: 62
I have run the Sieve of Erastosthenes Benchmark on Mac with Aztec C68K.
I used a 128K dual-floppy system. The compile/asm/link was driven from
an exec file and the timing is from the carriage return for "make sieve"
to the first output from sieve.
Results (programs compiled to run under the shell):
Compile, assemble & link: 1:13
Execute 0:06.5
Execute with register vars 0:03.5
Size of executable 5016 bytes (decimal)