Message-ID: <611@dual.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 27-Jun-84 01:18:20 EDT
Article-I.D.: dual.611
Posted: Wed Jun 27 01:18:20 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 22-Jun-84 06:54:30 EDT
References: <77@mouton.UUCP> <7378@rochester.UUCP> <2029@rlgvax.UUCP> <3472@brl-vgr.ARPA> <2033@rlgvax.UUCP>
Organization: Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA
Lines: 28
[ Line-eater bug available as a seperate but equal package ]
No PS?
A multi-user, multi-tasking UNIX system needs to have a way to unstick
wedged processes (which requires the process ID, obtainable by running PS).
Especially programs that take over managment of the screen (word processors,
for example) have a nasty tendency to die and leave a terminal wedged so it
needs to be unstuck from somewhere. We can of course be nasty and say that
anyone who tries to run several processes on a Fortune deserves what they get,
but it IS possible to hook more than one terminal to their box....I consider
PS to be an essential part of the system.
On the other hand, Guy is probably right that Fortune has not lost a substantial
number of sales because of their unbundling. They lost the UNIX hackers
market (and consequently gave us many of our early sales; thanks guys!), but
they were not going after it anyway, so it can hardly be considered a loss.
As usual, there is no one answer to this - it depends on your market, your
support capability, corporate policy, and the usual things that make up
a business.
Mats Wichmann
Dual Systems Corp.
[ Still not related to Glenn "Rogue" Wichman, who works at Fortune and
has no cute signoff message ]