Message-ID: <715@aecom.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 18-Jun-84 14:52:37 EDT
Article-I.D.: aecom.715
Posted: Mon Jun 18 14:52:37 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 21-Jun-84 01:29:28 EDT
Organization: Albert Einstein Coll. of Med., NY
Lines: 7
Is anyone interested in purchasing a used TRS-80 Model I 16K Level II
(orig. $850) Line printer VII (orig. $399) + interface cable+ cassette
recorder + loads of programs (subLOGIC Flight simulator, Space Warp, &
about ten other cassettes packed with stuff). This TRS-80 in excellent
condition - later model mod. I - never needed service for printer,monitor,
or computer !! I never even had to clean the recorder heads!
80 based micro?