Message-ID: <261@qumix.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 16-Jul-84 22:26:03 EDT
Article-I.D.: qumix.261
Posted: Mon Jul 16 22:26:03 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 18-Jul-84 06:31:34 EDT
Lines: 12
Response to controversy-- they do not make compiled Basic for the vic20.
Saying assembly language is hard to read is like saying Forth is likewise.
Anyone who has done any amount of programming knows that structure and
comments are necessary no matter WHAT language you use. I know how to
use Basic. I just think everyone should master the machine language
their computor uses to be most efficient. I have trouble getting Basic
to work with my prom programmer. If I had an IBM pc, I would want to
know more 8086 code. If all I had access to was the vax at work, I would
do all my programming in c. Machine code will change from one machine
to another sure, but so will most any other software package. Nothing
is obsolescence proof or 100% transportable or compatable.