Message-ID: <584@aplvax.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 8-May-84 06:54:41 EDT
Article-I.D.: aplvax.584
Posted: Tue May 8 06:54:41 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 13-May-84 00:32:54 EDT
Organization: JHU/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD
Lines: 29
I just had a demo of HP's new ThinkJet dot-matrix ink-jet printer.
I wish this printer had been available when I bought my Gemini-10x dot
matrix printer (an Epson MX-80FT clone).
The printer whispers along at a claimed 150cps. While I couldn't
measure the speed, it did seem to print faster than my Gemini, which averages
about 100cps by my own measurements.
The ThinkJet is VERY small and VERY VERY VERY quiet. It's shorter than
the average shoebox, with about the same footprint. The total sound output
from this printer, while printing, is about equal to the sound output from
my Gemini when just scrolling paper.
The "print head" and ink supply are contained in a small (about 2" cube)
easily removable cartridge. Replacements are about $8. Only black is available
now, with more colors on the way. Each cartridge is good for about 1000 pages
of text (I'm not sure on this figure).
Print quality is somewhat better than the Gemini. I believe the HP
uses an 11x12 dot matrix for characters, whereas the Gemini uses a 9x9.
The character set is a little boxy looking, and I wouldn't want to send this
output as a business letter, but it IS better than all the other low-cost
dot-matrix printers I have seen.
Cost is $500. Centronics, serial or HPIB (IEEE488) interfaces
Richard Greenberg