Message-ID: <1908@rlgvax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 10-May-84 13:04:50 EDT
Article-I.D.: rlgvax.1908
Posted: Thu May 10 13:04:50 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 12-May-84 02:23:44 EDT
Distribution: net.micro,net.micro.pc
Organization: CCI Office Systems Group, Reston, VA
Lines: 22
Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, May 9, 1984
(very paraphrased)
IBM announced plans for implementing an Office Network within the next
two or three years. IBM's announcement was little more than a reminder
that they (IBM) haven't forgotten the importance of such a facility.
The only technical information available was that people building new
office buildings should lay down twisted copper pair wire in prep-
aration for the new LAN. IBM's delay in getting a LAN out sooner will,
more than likely, benefit many of its competitors such as Xerox, Wang,
DEC, and 3Com.
David P. Geller
Computer Consoles, Inc.
{seismo}!rlgvax!geller Office Systems Group
11490 Commerce Park Drive
Reston, VA 22091