Message-ID: <202@jett.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 17-Apr-84 22:32:32 EST
Article-I.D.: jett.202
Posted: Tue Apr 17 22:32:32 1984
Date-Received: Wed, 18-Apr-84 19:18:45 EST
Organization: Jett Unix System, Huntsville, AL
Lines: 319
Here is a list of episodes that i have compiles with a little
note on what I am talking about. If you do not understand my
note, or would like a more detailed summary send me mail.
First Season:
Episode Note
Cage (Pilot) Pike (Original Captain) is captured on
Talos IV.
1 The Man Trap Salt Monster takes shape of Nancy Crater,
SD:1513.1 McCoy's former girlfriend, and fools him.
2 Charlie X Charles Evans, a former castaway, has a crush
SD:1533.6 on Yeoman Rand, and uncovers his secret power.
3 Where No Man Has Gone Kirk strands Gary Mitchell on Delta Vega after
Before he assumes the powers of a god.
4 The Naked Time Kevin Riley, infected with illness, locks him-
SD:1704.2 self in Engineering, and shuts down the main
engines while in orbit, and the Enterprise is
pulled toward the planet.
5 The Enemy Within Kirk is split in two by the transport making
SD:1672.1 an evil and a good Kirk.
6 Mudd's Women Harry Mudd is brought aboard with three women
SD:1329.1 with stange attractive qualities.
7 What Are Little Girls Nurse Chapel and Kirk seek out Roger Korby,
Made Of? Chapel's former fiancee, and find andriods.
9 Miri Enterprise discovers a planet duplicate of
SD:2713.5 Earth infected with a virus that kills adults
and makes the children live longer.
10 Dagger of the Mind Dr. Noel at a penial colony misuses a machine
SD:2715.1 to warp the mind, and then takes it over from
Dr. van Gelder, and sets it up as a model
penial colony.
11 The Corbomite Manuver The Enterprise encounters a massive ship and
SD:1512.2 escapes distruction by using a bluff, and find
out that the space ship is friendly.
12-13 The Managerie (2 parts) Spocks steals the Enterprise to take his
SD:3012.4 former captain, Pike, to Talos IV. Court
Martial proceedures begin against Spock.
14 The Conscience of the King Kirk discovers that a actor in a play troop
SD:2817.6 Kodos the Executioner.
15 Balance of Terror Enterprise has to trackdown and destroy a
SD:1709 Romulan Warship that has been destorying
Federation Outpost Colonies.
16 Shore Leave Shore Leave from the Enterprise commences, and
SD:3025.3 the landing party begins to see the things
that they are thinking about.
17 The Galileo Seven The Galileo Seven Shuttle Craft is stranded on
SD:2821.5 Murasaki 312, and the Enterprise is helpless
to look for it.
18 The Squire of Gothos Kirk and Sulu suddenly disappear and end up
SD:2124.5 on an unknown planet. Kirk offers to fight
Trelene, the person who takes Kirk and Sulu,
is about to kill Kirk, when his parents,
which are energy beings, stop him.
19 Arena Kirk ends up in a man to monster fight to the
SD:3045.6 death after chasing a Gorn ship which
destroyed a Federation Base. The loser of the
fight would have his ship destroyed.
20 Tomorrow is Yesterday The Enterprise is pulled back in time to Earth
SD:3113.2 in the late 1960's, and has to get back, and
also return to people who it picked up in the
21 Court-Martial Kirk is accussed of killing Ben Finney, who
SD:2947.3 is actually hidding below decks, Kirk has to
seek him out to prove his innocence.
22 The Return of the Archons The Enterprise is being pulled down to a
SD:3156.2 planet by a machine gone mad, and it is up to
Kirk and Spock to save it.
23 Space Seed The Enterprise picks up the SS Botney Bay, a
SD:3141.9 sleeper ship, and its commander Khan tries to
take over the Enterprise. (Sound familier?)
24 A Taste of Armageddon The Enterprise is hit by "Computer Bomb" and
SD:3192.1 its crew to report to the planet to be killed.
Kirk refuses and gives the warring factions a
threat of real war.
25 This Side of Paradise The enhabitants of Omicron Ceti III have been
SD:3417.3 exposed to a strange plant which brings peace,
and emmotion to Spock, and threatens Kirk with
a mutany.
26 The Devil in the Dark A creature is killing the miners on Janus VI
SD:3417.3 only becasue the miners are killing, unknow-
ingly, the creatures babies (eggs).
27 Errand of Mercy Kirk and Spock are caught Organia in the
SD:3198.4 Federation-Klingon Neutral Zone, by Klingons
trying to convince to Organia's to the
Federation side.
28 The Alternative Factor The Enterprise is caught in a space blink, and
SD:3087.6 has to contend with Lazarus, who is fighting
with an Anti-Lazarus in an Anti-Universe.
29 The City on the Edge of McCoy jumps through a time portal, and Kirk
Forever and Spock have to go get him before he messses
SD:3134.0 up history.
30 Operation--Annihilate! A bat like creature is killing the people of
SD:3287.2 Deneva where Kirk's brother Sam is, and Spock
is affected. They have to kill the creature
using ultra-violet light.
Season 2:
31 Amok Time Spock has to go to Vulcan to Choose a mate,
SD:3372.7 and has to fight Kirk to the death for her.
32 Who Mourns for Adonais A hand reachs out and graps the Enterprise,
SD:3468.1 and Kirk, McCoy, Scott, Chekov, and Lt.
Palamas have to figure out how to kill a God,
33 The Changeling The Enterprise picks up a robot looking for
SD:3451.9 its creator, Roykirk, and mistakes Kirk for
him, and tries to kill all that is not
perfect, but is confused when it finds out
that its creator is not perfect.
34 Mirror, Mirror Kirk, Scott, McCoy, and Uhura are transfered
SD:UNKNOWN to a mirror universe where all is opposite,
and Spock gets the opposites too. They all
eventually get back to the right universe.
35 The Apple Kirk and landing party have to destroy a
SD:3715.0 idyl (Vaal) which the natives pay tribute to.
The Enterprise is being pulled down from orbit
and finally destroys Vaal with its Phasors.
36 The Doomsday Machine A giant ship is breaking up planets, and
SD:4202.9 nearly destroys the USS Constellation. The
Captain of the Constellation, Commodore
Decker, tries to destroy it by exploding a
shuttle craft in its mouth, but the explosion
was not big enough, so Kirk rams the
Constellation down its throat killing it.
37 Catspaw The Enterprise is traped, and its crew is
SD:3018.2 is haunted house of tricks, and they escape
with the help of a magician.
38 I, Mudd Mudd captures the Enterprise, and tries to
SD:4513.3 take it over with androids, but Kirk and
party confuse the androids and regain contol.
39 Metamorphosis The Galileo Seven is trapped on a planet with
SD:3219.4 the companion, and Nancy Hedford is cured
of a terminal disease. She desides to stay
with the companion when Kirk and Spock leave.
40 Journey to Babel The Enterprise is transporting ammbassadors to
SD:3842.3 Babel (including Spocks parents Amanda and
Sarek). There is a spy on board and Sarek
needs an oporation with a transfussion from
41 Friday's Child The Enterprise has arrived to negotiate with
SD:3497.2 the Capellans, but so have the Klingons. The
Klingons send the Enterprise on a wild goose
chase, while Kirk Spock, and McCoy are running
from the Capellans.
42 The Deadly Years Old areing occurs on Kirk, McCoy and Scott,
SD:3478.2 but Chekov is unaffected because he had a bad
scare on the planet where they picked up the
43 Obsession Kirk hunts down a creature that kills by
SD:3619.2 draining the red blood cells from a person,
and kills it by destroying half a planet.
44 Wolf in the Fold Scott is accused of being a "Jack the Ripper",
SD:3614.9 but it is another creature which Kirk destroys
by beaming it into space.
45 The Trouble With Tribbles The K-7 space station is carring grain to a
SD:4523.3 planet disputed by the Federation and the
Klingons, and the Enterprise and K-7 become
infested with Tribbles. A Klingon agent is
discovered when the grain is found to be
46 The Gamesters of Triskelion Kirk Uhura and Checkov appear on a planet
SD:3211.7 differnet from the one that they inteded to
go to, and are captured. Kirk convinces the
providers to let him fight for their escape.
47 A Piece of the Action The Enterprise finds Iotia ruled by mobsters
SD:4598.0 imitating the Chicago Mobs of the 1920's.
48 The Immunity Syndrome The Enterprise discovers a giant ameba which
SD:4307.1 has destroyed the Starship Intrepid manned by
Vulcans. It is Spock the rescue of the
49 A Private Little War A landing party finds itself in a war between
SD:4211.4 natives who are not advanced enough to have
the flintlocks they are using. The Klingons
are supplying the flintlocks.
50 Return to Tomorrow The Enterprise encounters Sargon, and lets him
SD:4768.3 take over the bodies of 3 crew members. But 1
of Sargon's friends is evil, and Sargon and
his wife Thalassa escape without the android
body they were making.
51 Patterns of Force The Enterprise finds that John Gill and
SD:2534.0 observer has turned Ekos into a Nazi state,
but his under, Malakon, is corrupt, and
imatates Hitler.
52 By Any Other Name The Kelvan's from Andromeda steal the Enter-
SD:4657.5 prise to return home, but Kirk convinces him
that is not the best thing to do.
53 The Omega Glory The Enterprise finds that a virus has
SD:UNKNOWN destroyed the crew of the Exeter, so they
beam down to the planet to find a cure, but
what they find is Chinese and American
descendants fighting.
54 The Ultimate Computer A computer, the M-5, is installed aboard the
SD:4729.4 Enterprise to show that a crew is not needed.
The M-5 goes mad and attacks other Federation
ships. It self destructs to atone for the
damage it has done.
55 Bread and Circuses Kirk finds that the former commander of the
SD:4040.7 SS Beagle has betrayed his crew to fight in
Gladiator Games like ancient Rome.
56 Assignment: Earth The Enterprise goes back to Earth to learn
SD:UNKNOWN how it survived the late twentieth century.
Third Season:
57 Spock's Brain Someone steals Spock's brian to revitalize
SD:5431.4 their ageing one. It is up to Kirk to get
it back alive.
58 The Enterprise Incident The Enterprise is on a mission to steal the
SD:5031.3 cloaking device from the Romulans, but takes
Spock to play friendly to a Romulan Commander
and Kirk to dress as a Romulan to do it.
59 The Paradise Syndrome An astroid in on collision couse with a
SD:4842.6 planet inhabited by Indians. Kirk loses his
Memory and joins the Indians as a medicine man
while the Enterprise goes off to divert the
60 And the Children Shall Lead The Enterprise has picked up a bunch of
SD:5027.3 Children who have fallen been following a
Friendly Angel.
61 Is There in Truth No There is a Medusa like ammbassador on board
Beauty? which will drive the person seeing it mad, and
SD:5630.7 Spock sees it.
62 Spectre of the Gun The Enterprise ignoring a warning bouy in deep
SD:4385.3 space continues forward. Chekov, Kirk, Spock,
and McCoy are faced with the replay of the
O.K. Corral, and they are the historical
63 Day of the Dove A alian being plays with the crew of the
SD:UNKNOWN Enterprise in have them fight its way,
changing phasers to swords and so on. Kirk
and the Klingon leader team up to drive the
alian away.
64 For the World is Hollow The Enterprise discovers that an inhabited
and I Have touched the Sky asteroid is on a colision course with an
SD:5476.3 inhabited planet. They beam on to the
astroid to divert it.
65 The Tholian Web The Enterprise finds the Defiant in a phasing
SD:5693.4 area of space and the captain is traped aboard
it when it goes out of phase. A Tholian ship
appears and attacks the Enterprise, and both
ships are dissabled. Another Tholian ship
appears and startes to form a web around the
Enterprise. The Enterprise drifts through
the space phase, escapes, and recovers the
66 Plato's Stepchildren Kirk and Spock are forced to play/entertain
SD:5784.0 Parmen. (I do not remember this one).
67 A Wink of an Eye Kirk's drinks some doped water, and discovers
SD:5710.5 that a race needs the male crew members to
mate with. No one at normal speed can see
Kirk, and to Kirk the people at normal speed
(ie. the crew) are motionless.
68 The Empath The Enterprise is sent to Minara II to pick
SD:5121.0 up a research crew before the star goes nova.
They are unable to find the crew, but find
a Minaran native with healing powers who helps
McCoy after he had been tortured.
69 Elaan of Troyius The Enterprise takes on Elaan who will help
SD:4372.5 promote peace between the planets of the
Tellun System. Her close friend is a Klingon
agent, and Scott uses her necklace as a sub-
stitute for dilithium crystals to beat of the
Klingons following them.
70 Whom Gods Destroy The Enterprise calls at a Colony for the
SD:5718.3 insane the Captain Garth has taken over.
He changes his shape to that of Kirk and
Spock has to decide who is Kirk.
71 Let That Be Your Last The Enterprise picks up two people, one black
Battlefield on the left side of his body, the other on
SD:5730.2 the right. They are both fighting to see
which race is the dominate race.
72 The Mark of Gideon Kirk beams down to Gideon to a fake Enterprise
SD:5423.4 which is an exact double of the real Enter-
prise, and he finds the daughter of leader of
73 That Which Survives There is a woman who is deadly to the touch.
SD:UNKNOWN She kills a crew member and a member of the
landing party. She is unsuccesful in touching
Sulu, and the rest of the landing party bands
together to prevent her from killing them.
74 The Lights of Zetar There is a creature which takes over the body
SD:5725.3 of Mira Romaine while on the way to Memory
Alpha. To rid the creature, she is placed in
a pressure chamber where the creature dies.
75 Requiem for Methuselah The Enterprise arrives at a planet to gather
SD:5843.7 a plant which is the only know cure for a
disease that is spread over the Enterprise.
They discover an old man who has many
unrecorded things from Earth. He also has
several androids one of which Kirk falls in
love with.
76 The Way to Eden The Enterprise takes on some space hippies who
SD:5832.3 take over ther Enterprise in a quest for the
planet Eden. When they arrive at Eden they
find a poisonous planet.
77 The Cloud Miners The Enterprise goes to Ardana to collect
SD:5818.4 a cure for an disease on Merak II. The go
to a Cloud City, and find that they are living
on a "Higher Plain" than the miners on th
78 The Savage Curtain The Enterprise discovers on an unihabited
SD:5906.4 planet Abraham Lincoln, Surak, which are the
good guys, and they and Spock and Kirk are to
fight people of the Genghis Khan type.
79 All Our Yesterdays A landing party Sarpeidon find a library who
SD:5943.7 lets them go back into anytime without
explaining the dangers of it.
80 Turnabout Intruder Janice Lester, an old friend of Kirks trades
SD:5928.5 places with him in a life-entity machine.
She tries to take over the Enterprise, as
Kirk, and kill the real Kirk.
- Linwood Varney (Jett Unix System @ Huntsville, AL)