Message-ID: <2381@ecsvax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 26-Apr-84 11:46:07 EST
Article-I.D.: ecsvax.2381
Posted: Thu Apr 26 11:46:07 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 27-Apr-84 06:43:38 EST
References: eosp1.817
Lines: 11
There is actually one more important difference between copying books and
copying software. A photocopy of a book is itself hard to copy and a copy of
a copy is well on the way to unreadable. Also, copying a book is very time
consuming for the copier. Obviously, software is quick to copy and (thanks
to the wonders of digital systems) a copy is generally just a good as the
original, so that it is in principal possible to generate an infinite number of
copies with each copy being copied only once!
And the point about people ripping off departmental budgets is well taken.
- D Gary Grady, Duke University Computation Center
Durham, NC (mcnc!ecsvax!dgary)