Message-ID: <2061@floyd.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 17-Apr-84 18:58:23 EST
Article-I.D.: floyd.2061
Posted: Tue Apr 17 18:58:23 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 19-Apr-84 02:34:51 EST
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories Whippany NJ
Lines: 7
I am interested in buying an 80 column card for my 800. The only two
I know of are the ones from BIT 3 SYSTEMS and Austin Franklin. I would
appreciate comments concerning reliability and compatibility with
existing software packages. I am mainly interested in word processing
and a terminal emulator. Also does anyone know of build your own
bare board 80 column card? The cheapest I've seen the Bit 3 Systems
board is $219, a bit steep. Thanks in advance.