Message-ID: <6919@decwrl.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 6-Apr-84 08:37:26 EST
Article-I.D.: decwrl.6919
Posted: Fri Apr 6 08:37:26 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 7-Apr-84 05:42:28 EST
Organization: DEC Engineering Network
Lines: 16
Does anyone have access to, or know of a source for, a MACRO-11
assembler that runs under unix on a PDP-11? A friend is thinking of
trying to get TECO to run under unix and needs the assembler.
Any help, please post to decvax!decwrl!rhea!siva!surtees - tell him I
sent you, please.
Dick Binder
Posted Friday 6th April 1984, 08:36 Eastern time by DOSADI::BINDER